Evaluates to the micro version number of ModemManager which this source compiled against.
Evaluates to the minor version number of ModemManager which this source is compiled against.
Identifier for an unknown NID.
Identifier for an unknown SID.
This value may be specified in the 'profile-id' property When the user creates a new #MM3gppProfile, to indicate that the real profile id should be assigned by the device.
Identifier for reporting unknown unlock retries.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMBearerAccessTypePreference specified at val
a MMBearerAccessTypePreference.
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each #MMBearerAllowedAuth in mask
bitmask of MMBearerAllowedAuth values.
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each #MMBearerApnType in mask
bitmask of MMBearerApnType values.
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each #MMBearerIpFamily in mask
bitmask of MMBearerIpFamily values.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMBearerIpMethod specified at val
a MMBearerIpMethod.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMBearerMultiplexSupport specified at val
a MMBearerMultiplexSupport.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMBearerProfileSource specified at val
a MMBearerProfileSource.
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each #MMBearerRoamingAllowance in mask
bitmask of MMBearerRoamingAllowance values.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMBearerType specified at val
a MMBearerType.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMCallDirection specified at val
a MMCallDirection.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMCallState specified at val
a MMCallState.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMCallStateReason specified at val
a MMCallStateReason.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMCellType specified at val
a MMCellType.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMFirmwareImageType specified at val
a MMFirmwareImageType.
Gets a machine-readable description of the org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Bearer D-Bus interface.
Overrides all #GObject properties in the #MmGdbusBearer interface for a concrete class. The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.
The class structure for a #GObject derived class.
The property id to assign to the first overridden property.
Gets a machine-readable description of the org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Call D-Bus interface.
Overrides all #GObject properties in the #MmGdbusCall interface for a concrete class. The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.
The class structure for a #GObject derived class.
The property id to assign to the first overridden property.
Gets a machine-readable description of the org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem.Modem3gpp D-Bus interface.
Overrides all #GObject properties in the #MmGdbusModem3gpp interface for a concrete class. The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.
The class structure for a #GObject derived class.
The property id to assign to the first overridden property.
Gets a machine-readable description of the org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem.Modem3gpp.ProfileManager D-Bus interface.
Overrides all #GObject properties in the #MmGdbusModem3gppProfileManager interface for a concrete class. The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.
The class structure for a #GObject derived class.
The property id to assign to the first overridden property.
Gets a machine-readable description of the org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem.Modem3gpp.Ussd D-Bus interface.
Overrides all #GObject properties in the #MmGdbusModem3gppUssd interface for a concrete class. The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.
The class structure for a #GObject derived class.
The property id to assign to the first overridden property.
Gets a machine-readable description of the org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem.ModemCdma D-Bus interface.
Overrides all #GObject properties in the #MmGdbusModemCdma interface for a concrete class. The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.
The class structure for a #GObject derived class.
The property id to assign to the first overridden property.
Gets a machine-readable description of the org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem.Firmware D-Bus interface.
Overrides all #GObject properties in the #MmGdbusModemFirmware interface for a concrete class. The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.
The class structure for a #GObject derived class.
The property id to assign to the first overridden property.
Gets a machine-readable description of the org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem D-Bus interface.
Gets a machine-readable description of the org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem.Location D-Bus interface.
Overrides all #GObject properties in the #MmGdbusModemLocation interface for a concrete class. The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.
The class structure for a #GObject derived class.
The property id to assign to the first overridden property.
Gets a machine-readable description of the org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem.Messaging D-Bus interface.
Overrides all #GObject properties in the #MmGdbusModemMessaging interface for a concrete class. The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.
The class structure for a #GObject derived class.
The property id to assign to the first overridden property.
Gets a machine-readable description of the org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem.Oma D-Bus interface.
Overrides all #GObject properties in the #MmGdbusModemOma interface for a concrete class. The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.
The class structure for a #GObject derived class.
The property id to assign to the first overridden property.
Overrides all #GObject properties in the #MmGdbusModem interface for a concrete class. The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.
The class structure for a #GObject derived class.
The property id to assign to the first overridden property.
Gets a machine-readable description of the org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem.Sar D-Bus interface.
Overrides all #GObject properties in the #MmGdbusModemSar interface for a concrete class. The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.
The class structure for a #GObject derived class.
The property id to assign to the first overridden property.
Gets a machine-readable description of the org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem.Signal D-Bus interface.
Overrides all #GObject properties in the #MmGdbusModemSignal interface for a concrete class. The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.
The class structure for a #GObject derived class.
The property id to assign to the first overridden property.
Gets a machine-readable description of the org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem.Simple D-Bus interface.
Overrides all #GObject properties in the #MmGdbusModemSimple interface for a concrete class. The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.
The class structure for a #GObject derived class.
The property id to assign to the first overridden property.
Gets a machine-readable description of the org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem.Time D-Bus interface.
Overrides all #GObject properties in the #MmGdbusModemTime interface for a concrete class. The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.
The class structure for a #GObject derived class.
The property id to assign to the first overridden property.
Gets a machine-readable description of the org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem.Voice D-Bus interface.
Overrides all #GObject properties in the #MmGdbusModemVoice interface for a concrete class. The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.
The class structure for a #GObject derived class.
The property id to assign to the first overridden property.
Gets a machine-readable description of the org.freedesktop.ModemManager1 D-Bus interface.
Overrides all #GObject properties in the #MmGdbusOrgFreedesktopModemManager1 interface for a concrete class. The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.
The class structure for a #GObject derived class.
The property id to assign to the first overridden property.
Gets a machine-readable description of the org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Sim D-Bus interface.
Overrides all #GObject properties in the #MmGdbusSim interface for a concrete class. The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.
The class structure for a #GObject derived class.
The property id to assign to the first overridden property.
Gets a machine-readable description of the org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Sms D-Bus interface.
Overrides all #GObject properties in the #MmGdbusSms interface for a concrete class. The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.
The class structure for a #GObject derived class.
The property id to assign to the first overridden property.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMModem3gppDrxCycle specified at val
a MMModem3gppDrxCycle.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMModem3gppEpsUeModeOperation specified at val
a MMModem3gppEpsUeModeOperation.
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each #MMModem3gppFacility in mask
bitmask of MMModem3gppFacility values.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMModem3gppMicoMode specified at val
a MMModem3gppMicoMode.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMModem3gppNetworkAvailability specified at val
a MMModem3gppNetworkAvailability.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMModem3gppPacketServiceState specified at val
a MMModem3gppPacketServiceState.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMModem3gppRegistrationState specified at val
a MMModem3gppRegistrationState.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMModem3gppSubscriptionState specified at val
a MMModem3gppSubscriptionState.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMModem3gppUssdSessionState specified at val
a MMModem3gppUssdSessionState.
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each #MMModemAccessTechnology in mask
bitmask of MMModemAccessTechnology values.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMModemBand specified at val
a MMModemBand.
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each #MMModemCapability in mask
bitmask of MMModemCapability values.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMModemCdmaActivationState specified at val
a MMModemCdmaActivationState.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMModemCdmaRegistrationState specified at val
a MMModemCdmaRegistrationState.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMModemCdmaRmProtocol specified at val
a MMModemCdmaRmProtocol.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMModemContactsStorage specified at val
a MMModemContactsStorage.
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each #MMModemFirmwareUpdateMethod in mask
bitmask of MMModemFirmwareUpdateMethod values.
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each #MMModemLocationAssistanceDataType in mask
bitmask of MMModemLocationAssistanceDataType values.
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each #MMModemLocationSource in mask
bitmask of MMModemLocationSource values.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMModemLock specified at val
a MMModemLock.
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each #MMModemMode in mask
bitmask of MMModemMode values.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMModemPortType specified at val
a MMModemPortType.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMModemPowerState specified at val
a MMModemPowerState.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMModemStateChangeReason specified at val
a MMModemStateChangeReason.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMModemStateFailedReason specified at val
a MMModemStateFailedReason.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMModemState specified at val
a MMModemState.
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each #MMOmaFeature in mask
bitmask of MMOmaFeature values.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMOmaSessionStateFailedReason specified at val
a MMOmaSessionStateFailedReason.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMOmaSessionState specified at val
a MMOmaSessionState.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMOmaSessionType specified at val
a MMOmaSessionType.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMSimEsimStatus specified at val
a MMSimEsimStatus.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMSimRemovability specified at val
a MMSimRemovability.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMSimType specified at val
a MMSimType.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMSmsCdmaServiceCategory specified at val
a MMSmsCdmaServiceCategory.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMSmsCdmaTeleserviceId specified at val
a MMSmsCdmaTeleserviceId.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMSmsDeliveryState specified at val
a MMSmsDeliveryState.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMSmsPduType specified at val
a MMSmsPduType.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMSmsState specified at val
a MMSmsState.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMSmsStorage specified at val
a MMSmsStorage.
Gets the nickname string for the #MMSmsValidityType specified at val
a MMSmsValidityType.
Evaluates to the major version number of ModemManager which this source is compiled against.