Maps for Free Relief
OpenStreetMap Cycle Map
OpenStreetMap Mapnik
OpenStreetMap Transport Map
OpenWeatherMap clouds layer
OpenWeatherMap precipitation
OpenWeatherMap sea level pressure
OpenWeatherMap temperature
OpenWeatherMap wind
The maximal possible latitude value.
The maximal possible longitude value.
The micro version of libshumate (3, if %SHUMATE_VERSION is 1.2.3)
The minor version of libshumate (2, if %SHUMATE_VERSION is 1.2.3)
The minimal possible latitude value.
The minimal possible longitude value.
Gets the #ShumateFileCache error quark.
Gets the user agent libshumate will use for all requests.
This API is not thread-safe and should only be called from the main thread.
Sets the user agent that libshumate uses for all requests.
This API is not thread-safe and should only be called from the main thread.
the new user agent, or %NULL to reset to the default
Gets the #ShumateTileDownloader error quark.
The major version of libshumate (1, if %SHUMATE_VERSION is 1.2.3)