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  • This functions checks if the given channel positions are valid. Channel positions are valid if: No channel positions appears twice or all positions are %GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_NONE. Either all or none of the channel positions are %GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_NONE. %GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_FRONT_MONO and %GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_FRONT_LEFT or %GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_FRONT_RIGHT don't appear together in the given positions. and %FALSE otherwise.


    Returns boolean

  • Custom fixate function. Elements that implement some sort of channel conversion algorithm should use this function for fixating on GstAudioChannelPosition properties. It will take care of equal channel positioning (left/right). Caller g_free()s the return value. The input properties may be (and are supposed to be) unfixed. Note that this function is mostly a hack because we currently have no way to add default fixation functions for new GTypes. set of #GstAudioChannelPosition values.


    • str: Gst.Structure

      a #GstStructure containing a (possibly unfixed) "channel-positions" field.

    Returns GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition

  • audioFrameByteSize(pad: Gst.Pad): number
  • Calculate byte size of an audio frame.


    • pad: Gst.Pad

      the #GstPad to get the caps from

    Returns number

  • Retrieves a number of (fixed!) audio channel positions from the provided #GstStructure and returns it as a newly allocated array. The caller should g_free () this array. The caller should also check that the members in this #GstStructure are indeed "fixed" before calling this function. positions as provided in the given #GstStructure. Returns NULL on error.


    • str: Gst.Structure

      A #GstStructure to retrieve channel positions from.

    Returns GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition

  • Check if the buffer size is a whole multiple of the frame size.


    • pad: Gst.Pad

      the #GstPad to get the caps from

    • buf: Gst.Buffer

      the #GstBuffer

    Returns boolean

  • Sets a (possibly non-fixed) list of possible audio channel positions (given in pos) on the given caps. Each of the structures of the caps, after this function has been called, will contain a "channel-positions" field with an array. Each value in the array will contain each of the values given in the pos array. Note that the size of the caps might be increased by this, since each structure with a "channel- positions" field needs to have a fixed "channels" field. The input caps is not required to have this.


    • caps: Gst.Caps

      #GstCaps to set the list of channel positions on.

    • pos: GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition

      the array containing one or more possible audio channel positions that we should add in each value of the array in the given structure.

    • numPositions: number

      the number of values in pos.

    Returns void

  • Adds a "channel-positions" field to the given #GstStructure, which will represent the channel positions as given in the provided #GstAudioChannelPosition array.


    • str: Gst.Structure

      A #GstStructure to set channel positions on.

    • pos: GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition

      an array of channel positions. The number of members in this array should be equal to the (fixed!) number of the "channels" field in the given #GstStructure.

    Returns void

  • Sets a (possibly non-fixed) list of possible audio channel positions (given in pos) on the given structure. The structure, after this function has been called, will contain a "channel-positions" field with an array of the size of the "channels" field value in the given structure (note that this means that the channels field in the provided structure should be fixed!). Each value in the array will contain each of the values given in the pos array.


    • str: Gst.Structure

      #GstStructure to set the list of channel positions on.

    • pos: GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition

      the array containing one or more possible audio channel positions that we should add in each value of the array in the given structure.

    • numPositions: number

      the number of values in pos.

    Returns void


  • Module
  • Object literal
  • Variable
  • Function
  • Function with type parameter
  • Index signature
  • Type alias
  • Type alias with type parameter
  • Enumeration
  • Enumeration member
  • Property
  • Method
  • Interface
  • Interface with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Index signature
  • Class
  • Class with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Index signature
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Inherited accessor
  • Protected property
  • Protected method
  • Protected accessor
  • Private property
  • Private method
  • Private accessor
  • Static property
  • Static method