If the #NMSettingIP4Config:dhcp-send-hostname property is %TRUE, then the specified name will be sent to the DHCP server when acquiring a lease.
If %TRUE, a hostname is sent to the DHCP server when acquiring a lease. Some DHCP servers use this hostname to update DNS databases, essentially providing a static hostname for the computer. If the #NMSettingIP4Config:dhcp-hostname property is empty and this property is %TRUE, the current persistent hostname of the computer is sent.
Number of seconds after which the unfinished DHCP transaction fails or zero for default.
When the method is set to "auto" and this property to %TRUE, automatically configured nameservers and search domains are ignored and only nameservers and search domains specified in the #NMSettingIP4Config:dns and #NMSettingIP4Config:dns-search properties, if any, are used.
When the method is set to "auto" and this property to %TRUE, automatically configured routes are ignored and only routes specified in the #NMSettingIP4Config:routes property, if any, are used.
If %TRUE, allow overall network configuration to proceed even if IPv4 configuration times out. Note that at least one IP configuration must succeed or overall network configuration will still fail. For example, in IPv6-only networks, setting this property to %TRUE allows the overall network configuration to succeed if IPv4 configuration fails but IPv6 configuration completes successfully.
IPv4 configuration method. If "auto" is specified then the appropriate automatic method (DHCP, PPP, etc) is used for the interface and most other properties can be left unset. If "link-local" is specified, then a link-local address in the 169.254/16 range will be assigned to the interface. If "manual" is specified, static IP addressing is used and at least one IP address must be given in the "addresses" property. If "shared" is specified (indicating that this connection will provide network access to other computers) then the interface is assigned an address in the 10.42.x.1/24 range and a DHCP and forwarding DNS server are started, and the interface is NAT-ed to the current default network connection. "disabled" means IPv4 will not be used on this connection. This property must be set.
The setting's name, which uniquely identifies the setting within the connection. Each setting type has a name unique to that type, for example "ppp" or "wireless" or "wired".
If %TRUE, this connection will never be the default IPv4 connection, meaning it will never be assigned the default route by NetworkManager.
The default metric for routes that don't explicitly specify a metric. The default value -1 means that the metric is chosen automatically based on the device type. The metric applies to dynamic routes, manual (static) routes that don't have an explicit metric setting, address prefix routes, and the default route. As the linux kernel accepts zero (0) as a valid metric, zero is a valid value.
A string sent to the DHCP server to identify the local machine which the DHCP server may use to customize the DHCP lease and options.