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appPaintable?: boolean
baselinePosition?: Gtk.BaselinePosition
borderWidth?: number
canDefault?: boolean
canFocus?: boolean
child?: Gtk.Widget
dockbarStyle?: DockBarStyle
doubleBuffered?: boolean

Whether the widget is double buffered.

events?: Gdk.EventMask
expand?: boolean

Whether to expand in both directions. Setting this sets both #GtkWidget:hexpand and #GtkWidget:vexpand

focusOnClick?: boolean

Whether the widget should grab focus when it is clicked with the mouse.

This property is only relevant for widgets that can take focus.

Before 3.20, several widgets (GtkButton, GtkFileChooserButton, GtkComboBox) implemented this property individually.

halign?: Gtk.Align

How to distribute horizontal space if widget gets extra space, see #GtkAlign

hasDefault?: boolean
hasFocus?: boolean
hasTooltip?: boolean

Enables or disables the emission of #GtkWidget::query-tooltip on widget. A value of %TRUE indicates that widget can have a tooltip, in this case the widget will be queried using #GtkWidget::query-tooltip to determine whether it will provide a tooltip or not.

Note that setting this property to %TRUE for the first time will change the event masks of the GdkWindows of this widget to include leave-notify and motion-notify events. This cannot and will not be undone when the property is set to %FALSE again.

heightRequest?: number
hexpand?: boolean

Whether to expand horizontally. See gtk_widget_set_hexpand().

hexpandSet?: boolean

Whether to use the #GtkWidget:hexpand property. See gtk_widget_get_hexpand_set().

homogeneous?: boolean
isFocus?: boolean
margin?: number

Sets all four sides' margin at once. If read, returns max margin on any side.

marginBottom?: number

Margin on bottom side of widget.

This property adds margin outside of the widget's normal size request, the margin will be added in addition to the size from gtk_widget_set_size_request() for example.

marginEnd?: number

Margin on end of widget, horizontally. This property supports left-to-right and right-to-left text directions.

This property adds margin outside of the widget's normal size request, the margin will be added in addition to the size from gtk_widget_set_size_request() for example.

marginLeft?: number

Margin on left side of widget.

This property adds margin outside of the widget's normal size request, the margin will be added in addition to the size from gtk_widget_set_size_request() for example.

marginRight?: number

Margin on right side of widget.

This property adds margin outside of the widget's normal size request, the margin will be added in addition to the size from gtk_widget_set_size_request() for example.

marginStart?: number

Margin on start of widget, horizontally. This property supports left-to-right and right-to-left text directions.

This property adds margin outside of the widget's normal size request, the margin will be added in addition to the size from gtk_widget_set_size_request() for example.

marginTop?: number

Margin on top side of widget.

This property adds margin outside of the widget's normal size request, the margin will be added in addition to the size from gtk_widget_set_size_request() for example.

master?: GObject.Object

The #GdlDockMaster object attached to the dockbar.

name?: string
noShowAll?: boolean
opacity?: number

The requested opacity of the widget. See gtk_widget_set_opacity() for more details about window opacity.

Before 3.8 this was only available in GtkWindow

orientation?: Gtk.Orientation

The orientation of the orientable.

parent?: Gtk.Container
receivesDefault?: boolean
resizeMode?: Gtk.ResizeMode
sensitive?: boolean
spacing?: number
style?: Gtk.Style

The style of the widget, which contains information about how it will look (colors, etc).

tooltipMarkup?: string

Sets the text of tooltip to be the given string, which is marked up with the [Pango text markup language][PangoMarkupFormat]. Also see gtk_tooltip_set_markup().

This is a convenience property which will take care of getting the tooltip shown if the given string is not %NULL: #GtkWidget:has-tooltip will automatically be set to %TRUE and there will be taken care of #GtkWidget::query-tooltip in the default signal handler.

Note that if both #GtkWidget:tooltip-text and #GtkWidget:tooltip-markup are set, the last one wins.

tooltipText?: string

Sets the text of tooltip to be the given string.

Also see gtk_tooltip_set_text().

This is a convenience property which will take care of getting the tooltip shown if the given string is not %NULL: #GtkWidget:has-tooltip will automatically be set to %TRUE and there will be taken care of #GtkWidget::query-tooltip in the default signal handler.

Note that if both #GtkWidget:tooltip-text and #GtkWidget:tooltip-markup are set, the last one wins.

valign?: Gtk.Align

How to distribute vertical space if widget gets extra space, see #GtkAlign

vexpand?: boolean

Whether to expand vertically. See gtk_widget_set_vexpand().

vexpandSet?: boolean

Whether to use the #GtkWidget:vexpand property. See gtk_widget_get_vexpand_set().

visible?: boolean
widthRequest?: number


  • Module
  • Object literal
  • Variable
  • Function
  • Function with type parameter
  • Index signature
  • Type alias
  • Type alias with type parameter
  • Enumeration
  • Enumeration member
  • Property
  • Method
  • Interface
  • Interface with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Index signature
  • Class
  • Class with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Index signature
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Inherited accessor
  • Protected property
  • Protected method
  • Protected accessor
  • Private property
  • Private method
  • Private accessor
  • Static property
  • Static method