some kind of single-band image
a uniform colourspace based on CMC(1:1)
the first four bands are in CMYK space
image is in fourier space
generic 16-bit mono
a 1D image, eg. histogram or lookup table
pixels are HSV
pixels are in CIE Lab space
CIE LAB coded as three signed 16-bit values
pixels are in CIE LCh space
a matrix
generic many-band image
generic RGB space
generic 16-bit RGB
pixels are scRGB
pixels are sRGB
the first three bands are CIE XYZ
pixels are CIE Yxy
How the values in an image should be interpreted. For example, a three-band float image of type #VIPS_INTERPRETATION_LAB should have its pixels interpreted as coordinates in CIE Lab space.
RGB and sRGB are treated in the same way. Use the colourspace functions if you want some other behaviour.
The gaps in numbering are historical and must be maintained. Allocate new numbers from the end.