close the current path, drawing a line from the current position to the start of the path.
draw a bezier curve using two control points to the given point.
draw an elliptical arc, using the given 2 radii, the x axis rotation, and the 2 flags to disambiguate the arc, to the given point.
draw a horizontal line to the given x coordinate.
draw a line to the given point.
move to the given point.
draw a quadratic bezier curve using a single control point to the given point.
draw a bezier curve using a reflection of the last control point of the last curve as the first control point, and one new control point, to the given point.
draw a quadratic bezier curve using a reflection of the control point from the previous curve as the control point, to the given point.
draw a vertical line to the given y coordinate.
GooCanvasPathCommandType specifies the type of each command in the path. See the path element in the
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) specification for more details.