The bottom-most layer, over which everything else is painted. The 'desktop background' is generally in this layer.
The 'background' layer for most content renderers and UI #AtspiComponent containers.
Indicates an error condition or uninitialized value.
Used only to determine the end of the enumeration.
A special layer between ATSPI_LAYER_CANVAS
in which the 'pseudo windows' (e.g. the MDI frames)
reside. See #atspi_component_get_mdi_z_order.
The topmost layer.
A layer for popup window content, above
The layer in which the majority of ordinary 'foreground' widgets reside.
The layer in which a toplevel window background usually resides.
The #AtspiComponentLayer of an #AtspiComponent instance indicates its relative stacking order with respect to the onscreen visual representation of the UI. #AtspiComponentLayer, in combination with #AtspiComponent bounds information, can be used to compute the visibility of all or part of a component. This is important in programmatic determination of region-of-interest for magnification, and in flat screen review models of the screen, as well as for other uses. Objects residing in two of the #AtspiComponentLayer categories support further z-ordering information, with respect to their peers in the same layer: namely,
. Relative stacking order for other objects within the same layer is not available; the recommended heuristic is first child paints first. In other words, assume that the first siblings in the child list are subject to being overpainted by later siblings if their bounds intersect. The order of layers, from bottom to top, is:ATSPI_LAYER_BACKGROUND,