Create a new #WebKitGeolocationPosition
a valid latitude in degrees
a valid longitude in degrees
accuracy of location in meters
Make a copy of the #WebKitGeolocationPosition
Free the #WebKitGeolocationPosition
Set the position
altitude in meters
Set the accuracy of position
accuracy of position altitude in meters
Set the position
heading, as a positive angle between the direction of movement and the North
direction, in clockwise direction.
heading in degrees
Set the position
speed in meters per second
Set the position
timestamp. By default it's the time when the position
was created.
timestamp in seconds since the epoch, or 0 to use current time
Create a new #WebKitGeolocationPosition
a valid latitude in degrees
a valid longitude in degrees
accuracy of location in meters
WebKitGeolocationPosition is an opaque struct used to provide position updates to a #WebKitGeolocationManager using webkit_geolocation_manager_update_position().