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This is an opaque structure type. You may not access it directly.



  • SettingsSchemaSource




name: string


  • listSchemas(recursive: boolean): [string[], string[]]
  • Lists the schemas in a given source.

    If recursive is %TRUE then include parent sources. If %FALSE then only include the schemas from one source (ie: one directory). You probably want %TRUE.

    Non-relocatable schemas are those for which you can call g_settings_new(). Relocatable schemas are those for which you must use g_settings_new_with_path().

    Do not call this function from normal programs. This is designed for use by database editors, commandline tools, etc.


    • recursive: boolean

      if we should recurse

    Returns [string[], string[]]

  • Looks up a schema with the identifier schema_id in source.

    This function is not required for normal uses of #GSettings but it may be useful to authors of plugin management systems or to those who want to introspect the content of schemas.

    If the schema isn't found directly in source and recursive is %TRUE then the parent sources will also be checked.

    If the schema isn't found, %NULL is returned.


    • schemaId: string

      a schema ID

    • recursive: boolean

      %TRUE if the lookup should be recursive

    Returns SettingsSchema

  • unref(): void
  • Decrease the reference count of source, possibly freeing it.

    Returns void

  • Gets the default system schema source.

    This function is not required for normal uses of #GSettings but it may be useful to authors of plugin management systems or to those who want to introspect the content of schemas.

    If no schemas are installed, %NULL will be returned.

    The returned source may actually consist of multiple schema sources from different directories, depending on which directories were given in XDG_DATA_DIRS and GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR. For this reason, all lookups performed against the default source should probably be done recursively.

    Returns SettingsSchemaSource

  • Attempts to create a new schema source corresponding to the contents of the given directory.

    This function is not required for normal uses of #GSettings but it may be useful to authors of plugin management systems.

    The directory should contain a file called gschemas.compiled as produced by the [glib-compile-schemas][glib-compile-schemas] tool.

    If trusted is %TRUE then gschemas.compiled is trusted not to be corrupted. This assumption has a performance advantage, but can result in crashes or inconsistent behaviour in the case of a corrupted file. Generally, you should set trusted to %TRUE for files installed by the system and to %FALSE for files in the home directory.

    In either case, an empty file or some types of corruption in the file will result in %G_FILE_ERROR_INVAL being returned.

    If parent is non-%NULL then there are two effects.

    First, if g_settings_schema_source_lookup() is called with the recursive flag set to %TRUE and the schema can not be found in the source, the lookup will recurse to the parent.

    Second, any references to other schemas specified within this source (ie: child or extends) references may be resolved from the parent.

    For this second reason, except in very unusual situations, the parent should probably be given as the default schema source, as returned by g_settings_schema_source_get_default().


    • directory: string

      the filename of a directory

    • parent: SettingsSchemaSource

      a #GSettingsSchemaSource, or %NULL

    • trusted: boolean

      %TRUE, if the directory is trusted

    Returns SettingsSchemaSource


  • Module
  • Object literal
  • Variable
  • Function
  • Function with type parameter
  • Index signature
  • Type alias
  • Type alias with type parameter
  • Enumeration
  • Enumeration member
  • Property
  • Method
  • Interface
  • Interface with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Index signature
  • Class
  • Class with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Index signature
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Inherited accessor
  • Protected property
  • Protected method
  • Protected accessor
  • Private property
  • Private method
  • Private accessor
  • Static property
  • Static method